
SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix

This SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix could put the four sets of SPDIF output signal source and four SPDIF input device connected. It can be easily split or switched between four SPDIF signal and four SPDIF signal receiving equipment.
SPDIF/TosLink Digital Opitcal Audio 4x4 Matrix (Front Panel)
SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix (Rear Panel)

Front Panel Showing Picture:
Front pane showing picture of SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix 
A:Power switch 
B:Standby and over-voltage indication.
C:Switch button for D channel
D:Switch button for C channel
E:Switch button for B channel
F:Switch button for A channel
G:IR Remote receiver
H:D channel output indication
I:D channel input indication
J:C channel output indication
K:C channel input indication
L:B channel output indication
M:B channel input indication
N:A channel output indication
O:A channel input indication

Rear panel showing picture:
Rear panel showing picture of SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix
A: SPDIF/TosLink  input port 1~4
B: SPDIF/TosLink  output port A,B,C,D
C: DC/5V Power Adaptor Interface

How to use this SPDIF/TosLink Digital Optical Audio 4x4 Matrix?
1. To use the optical fiber cable to connect the optical fiber signal source (such as blue-ray player, the computer and so on) with the matrix input.
2. To let the matrix output port connected to the optical fiber signal receiver (such as amplifier, home theater and so on) by using the optical cable.
3. Connect 5V power supply to the matrix DC input port.
4. Through the remote or button to switch the input source freely.

Note: Before power on, please check the connection line carefully. And make sure that all interfaces are normally connected. 

